Although I have never met Elizabeth Griffiths, also known as Lizgstitches, I suspect we have the same kind of fascination… namely with marks and the moon. Half a year ago, wandering through Instagram, I ran into her embroidered image of the moon. To me it was just… like a lightning strike!
The moon
Since my teens now and then I look with my binoculars at the moon… looking at the craters you can see from Earth. But now I can also take a look at Liz’ Moon embroidery… it has a glow, like the Moon has… as you can see here.

Here below you see a photo of this work in progress … it also shows a bit of Liz’ way of working. Outlining certain areas which she later fills in with stitches, like coloring with threads instead of ink. Although it looks like she just stitched randomly all around, in reality it must be different. All those different tones of grey and white… all those different directions the stitches go to…

In the next photo, you can compare a photo of the moon with the embroidered version of it. That’s fun!

Another work of Liz that I’m fond of, is her series “inkblots”. She made 5 pieces with black “spots” on white fabric… like ink on paper… But the great thing is, you can see all kind of things in it. Some people see dancers… I see clouds… what do you see?

Here below some details . I love the shape of the drips down beneath.

The next one makes me think about cartography and maps. It could be an island, don’t you think?

In the following photo you can clearly see that Liz uses the flat stitch.

The third category of Liz’ work is about portraits and eyes. As far as I’m concerned, Liz has a great talent for designing images by combining (shades of) colors and forms. See for yourself.
Young lady
For Liz, used to work in grey-isch and black, “young lady” was the first time she started playing around with colour blocking. She says about it: “the teal just above the jaw line was a game changer” (MM, instagram lizgstitches).

In the work below you can see the method of working. Liz first draws some lines on the fabric, and later starts filling in spaces at different areas in the work.

Elderly lady
In this portrait, Liz obviously had get used to working with more color in her work. Different shades of one tone of color can be seen.

Self portrait
During Corona times, Liz stitched a portrait of herself. So full of detail. So full of color. So full of shapes. Beautiful how her hair contains a range of colors, and not just black/brown.

Watch the tip of blue on the lips. Just perfect.

Now I would like to show you some photo’s of eyes Liz stitched. She seems to know exactly how to use color and where to place a stitch. In order to get a lively look in the eyes she makes. To me Liz is an “eye specialist”. Good to say I’m not the only one loving her stitched eyes… This year she won the People’s Choice Award, with 5 works of eyes, at the Open exhibition for Dudley Borough artists Unity.
Eye 1

Eye 2

Eye 3

Eye 4

Latest work
Some days ago I saw a post on Instagram of Liz’ latest work. This time it’s a self portrait. Made in an innovative way, it’s a combination of (self)printed textile and embroidery. A small part of the print is embroidered, an eye. Because it’s a black print on a light colored fabric, the colored threads used for the eye, really stand out. The eye catches your own eye in a split second…

Do you wanna see more of Liz?
Then follow Liz’s work on Instagram, #lizgstitches. Personally I’m so curious about the work she will develop in the future. Can’t be anything but good…

Liz nowadays is a member of the Society for Embroidered Work.
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Enjoy creativity!
Beautiful work from Liz, especially the eyes!