Battle against embroidery machine

embroidery plan project HAND@WORK, photo Mique Menheere, courtesy Pauline Nijenhuis Although I’m not very fond of competition and battles, I’m really pleased to participate in the latest project HAND@WORK of multi media artist Pauline Nijenhuis. In this project she investigates what makes the difference between an artwork embroidered by men or by machine. It questions …

Cultural Threads, Textile Museum

Memory Unsettled, Celio Braga, detail, 2016, photo Textile Museum commisions new works In 2018 the Textielmuseum at Tilburg (the Netherlands), asked four Dutch artists to develop new works in cooperation with their TextielLab. Leading inspiration for the museum was the book Cultural Threads by Jessica Hemmings (2014). Some artists unraveled histories and searched for …