Everybody who has interest in it, can participate (under guidance of experienced embroiderers) in project 100.000 trees and a forest of threads. Artist Sara Vrugt initiated this sustainable-project, in which she will embroider a forest as a symbol and first step for planting a forest next year.
You can take part in sessions in the cities Leiden (summer), Amsterdam (spring) and somewhere in the Randstad (autumn). Next year the finished work will be revealed in Museum Panorama Mesdag at the Hague. Goal is to plant a 100.000 real trees. For more information look at http://www.honderdduizendbomen.nl, https://youtu.be/1kmdlVnSszA or http://www.vrugt.com.
Your first chance to take part is at the Public Library at Amsterdam South, Roelof Hartplein 430 from April 13 till May 23, Wednesday 11.00 tot 16.00 uur, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 12.00 tot 17.00 uur.
Have fun!